CZECH LEGENDS / Toy Machine Theatre

For kids 5 and up
performance length: 40 min
created and performed by: Tomáš Běhal
set design: Tomáš Běhal, Pavel Heřmann

What was it like to live in the days of Forefather Čech? Was Libuše truly beautiful? How high did Šemík have to jump to clear the ramparts of Vyšehrad, and can horses walk on two legs? Yes, there are many many questions, but no reason to panic. The ancient archives will tell their secrets at last...

Toy Machine Theatre specializes on puppet and object theatre, continuing the strong puppet tradition of the Czech Republic. The team's members are fascinated with puppets in just about any form, and for this very reason are not afraid to break the rules of puppetry sometimes. The puppet shows of Toy Machine Theatre are intended for all kinds of audiences - they engage both children and grownups.


Photo: Divadlo Toy Machine