Bazaar Festival 2018: SATURDAY BAZAAR

performance length: 240 min

The Saturday Bazaar is the core of the 2018 Bazaar Festival. Over the course of the event at Studio ALTA, audiences can look forward to four excerpts of future works by dance and theatre artists from Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, and other countries. Excerpts will be followed by a public discussion moderated by Alice Koubová.

Excerpts to be presented are:
1) PLI / Viktor Černický (SK/CZ)
2) ME, VIOLA AND I / Nastasja Štefanič (HR)
3) BEHIND IN PLACE, LATER THAN IN TIME / Lea Kukovičič & Bria de la Mare (SLO/CYM)

Viktor Černický draws the audience into reality’s diversions, then in a solo dancer Nastasja Štefanić’s viola becomes part of her body. Lea Kukovičič and Bria de la Mare demonstrate how photographs taken of audience members show change, and Collective B creates a fictional massacre, reinterpreting mass media images of terrorism.


PLI / Viktor Černický
With Baroque theatricality and physique, the performer strays into reality's forgotten folds. He sets out to discover his inner truth using a schizophrenic reconstruction of the outside world. This physical performance springs out of Leibniz's thought that the inside is nothing more than a folded over version of the outside.

ME, VIOLA AND I / Nastasja Štefanič
Unique solo in which the dancer interacts with her musical instrument by treating it as a part of her own body, even when it is physically out of her hands. The sound that she gradually produces and cultivates remains the main link between dancer, viola, and audience.

BEHIND IN PLACE, LATER THAN IN TIME / Lea Kukovičič & Bria de la Mare
Before you are the responsible ones, after we share responsibility. Behind in Place, Later than in Time is a lecture-performance and an exhibition of the archive of photographs taken of audience members before and after they see a performance.

“Wonderful World” is a work in progress that confronts the theme of violence. Like other productions of Collective B, “Wonderful World” brings together a variety of art forms. Choreography, performance, and live music are woven into an epic and spectacular scene of a massacre, somewhere in between slapsick and realism, where terror appears in a violent and uncontrollable manner. In this apocalyptic atmosphere, occasional moments of silence occur, giving space for the audience to step back from the scene, articulate what they just experienced and form a critical point of view on acts of terror.

Collective B