trapeze – dance – theatre
performance length: min
no language barrier
conception and idea: Erica Ruhl, Jana Korb
costumes: ajak kostümbild
direction: Erica Ruhl
music: smyčcové kvarteto Ulas Aktas
stage setting: Jana Korb
Inspired by Viktor Pivovarov’s artistic cycle “Projekt pro osamělého muže“ (A Project for a Lonely Man) Jana Korb together with the director Erica Ruhl examine the character of Mrs. Vladush. Following her everyday routine, they attempt to track down her dreams. A routine day in the kitchen of Mrs. Vladush merges with the world of her memories, which is being carefully stowed away - up in the air on three trapezes. However, memories bubble up constantly and sometimes, the line between reality, a reminiscence or a dream becomes blurred. In this space, new hope arises to show the way out of inconsolable loneliness.

Mrs. Vladush swings on the trapeze.

Trapeztheater is connected with the so-called New Circus and physical theatre. Jana Korb attempts to define a new drama genre by crossing the traditional divide among various disciplines. This is why she combines physical theatre with circus and dance theatre with trapeztheatre and new media. And this is how compressed, deep and impressive theatre pieces, for which acrobatics is a dance constituent of narration, come into existence.
This performance was kindly supported by Mrs. Jana Sekerová.