Fixed Trapeze Workshop

11 a.m. - 6 p.m.
performance length: min
Seiline Vallee and Salvi Salvatore will hold 7th and 8th May a two-day workshop in trapeze acrobatics for beginners and intermediate acrobats in Alfred ve dvore theatre. The price is 700 CZK and you can download the application form here.

Decalages, in their workshops for the general public, research the combination of theatre and motion and the development of physical fitness which will enable everyone involved to develop his abilities. We work on the realisation of body and introspection, concentration, imagination and creativity, and also provide an introduction to aerial acrobatics. The primary aim is not to give master performances at any price but to make acrobatics meaningful (the famous “drama acrobatics” which Jacques Lecoq liked so much).

Participation in the workshop is limited by capacity and requires basic movement skills. The tutors will also take account of the experience stated in the application form, which are supposed to be sent till 24th April to

We would like to invite you to the public presentation from a two-day workshop which is to be held on Friday 8 May at 8 p.m. at Alfred ve dvore theatre.
more precise info for Fixed Trapeze Work-shop by Décalages – Theatre in movement

DATE and TIME: 07. a 08.05.09: 11 a.m. – 6 p.m. + 08.05.09: 8 p.m.

PLACE: Divadlo Alfred ve dvoře, Františka Křížka 36, Praha 7

This work-shop is an initiation for the fixed trapeze. The participants should have already a minimum experiment of body work.

The participant has to be present during all the duration of the work-shop.
In this case : 7th (from 11:00 to 18:00) and 8th (from 11:00 to 21:00, including the presentation) of may 2009.

After those two days work-shop in Alfred ve dvoře, there will be a public presentation of the work, in the sense that we will open the door from our work to some audience who will have interest. !!!! It will not be a performance !!!!

WARNING: All forms of exercise are intended for healthy people. You are responsible for your own health condition and competence to exercise. Any risks and possible damage linked to exercise is the responsibility of the participant themself.

The workshop description :

We want to propose to the participants a journey through the exploration of movement, and specifically air acrobatics on fixed trapezes . This journey will be also inside the own body, that´s why we will work on the introspection and conscience of the body.

A part of the work-shop will be purely technic (based on the movement and initiation of air acrobatics´ technic), another part will be exercices and improvisations on the floor and on the air, a third part will be dedicated to the own creation.

You can find following a first planning of the work-shop.

• Warming up - Body preparation

• Listening in – Concentration

As well as we prepare the body, it is important to prepare the capacity of
concentration, to open our mind, to sharpen our possibility of reaction to
any event.

• Technics of movement and Air acrobatics ( „Dramatic acrobatic“)

Our approach of acrobatics is not based only on power and strengh. Even if we
will develop them, we work mostly with the spring („elán“ in czech), the center, the conscience of our body and the breathing. Those notions are more important for us than pure gymnastic.
There again, our principal aim is to enter in the play, to use those acrobatics for a
theatrical objective, to go in some dramatic situation, to create the
action by the reaction.

• Improvisation – Emotion

In this improvisation work, we usualy try to let the technic back and to privilegiate the sensations, the relation-ship with the trapeze as a partner and not only as an object, the emotions which proposes the movement and to discover different ways how to be on the trapeze.

• Creation

This part is dedicated to the personal creation of each participant.
The creation is raised up permanently, mostly through the improvisations, but it is also interesting for us to find the way how to construct and create a piece (even a small one), an act, to explore the work of „writing“ a movement sentence.
We will look for how the actor-acrobat, according to possibilities of each person, can develop around him a space inside which the spectators are presents; all this with references to the movement.