FISHES HAVE WISHES / Compagnie Pepper Choc

A funny and light-hearted performance for kids and adults with aerial, acrobatics and juggling.
performance length: 45 min
no language barrier
“Lady Miss and Gentlemen’s, welcome! We live in times that we call critical times, difficult to bear. But “Energy in Harmony” will harmonize and purify this space by releasing all bad and invisible waves…“

For kids and adults 5 and up


Fishes Have Wishes is a tongue-in-cheek parody that chronicles a search for health, wellbeing, energy and harmony. What do we do to feel better? Do we have tips and tricks? What do people in our society do to find well-being? Why is there such an environment of insecurity surrounding us today? What are the various therapies and methods that people use?

Approaching this vast subject from many angles, touching on different belief systems from around the world, Fishes Have Wishes will bring you through different experiences such as laughter yoga etc. Invited to join the "Energy in Harmony" movement, the audience will help the performers purify the room in order to create "perfect harmony".

Compagnie Pepper Choc (CH) was founded by Lucie Lepoivre and Isabelle Schuster in 2013. Long-time friends, Lucie and Isabelle started circus in Switzerland. They both took their own path before realizing that they are sharing the same artistic vision and the same wish of creating their own show. Shortening the distance between them, they created their first show "Energy in Harmony", later renamed Fishes Have Wishes. The company wants to approach themes that can touch everyone in our society with a touch of humour and comedy. Passion for circus arts and joy in sharing is a strength of this young company, full of ambition and creativity.

Lucie Lepoivre graduated from The National Center For Circus Arts (London) in 2011, specialized in swinging trapeze. She also had considerable training in doubles trapeze, static trapeze, flying trapeze, silks and hoop, having completed preparatory training at Ecole de Cirque Zôfy in Switzerland and Balthazar circus school, France. Since graduating she went on tour with circus Dziva in Belarus and circus Gerbola in Ireland. She created Compagnie Pepper Choc with Isabelle Schuster with the street and theater show Fishes Have Wishes. She also worked for a number of corporate events. She is now part of the show "Nouveau Programme" with Circus Marcel in Belgium. Lucie's own work mixes elements of physical theatre with aerial acrobatics to create character work, that is both touching and humorous.

Isabelle Schuster graduated from École Supérieure de Arts du Cirque (Brussels) in 2012, specialized in aerial silks. She has also had considerable training in juggling, hand balancing, duo and static trapeze, having completed preparatory training at École de Cirque de Quebec. Touring two summers with Circus Smirkus, being part the Cabaret Aérien in Matsumoto Japan, and performing in various events affirmed her passion for the circus arts. /

Group website:

Premiere: March 2013, Festival Fun Fatale, Prague
Supported by: Jacksons Lane, Coquino circus school, Gone in 20 minutes

Special thanks: The Swiss Embassy in Prague, Alpiq