An optimistic lethal opus observing how football teams fall apart, God dislikes the helpless and masochism is great! About the wonderful ability to fall in love with different women several times a day and that not many people are able to cope with so many inputs and outputs, about the peculiarities of Slovak Tantra, the phenomenon of the intelligent mistress, the Annunciation of the New man and other specialities.
In short – a male strip show where it is souls that are bared

“Dušan Vicen is one of the most interesting directors of contemporary theatre. His distinctive directorial views are dominated by the theme of decline of contemporary world – society, family, friendship and human relationships. He is, nevertheless, capable of uplifting his depressing, apocalyptic discourse with humour.”
Dagmar Inštitorisová, NO April 20, 2005

“Even their anti-sympathizers must admit that they are great. Precise, apt, witty. Each performance represents a contemporary, original text. A multilayered statement is achieved through allusions, through creating a certain atmosphere, magic of the moment, through acting, scenography and music. They play with our emotions and like it or not, they convince us that only we determine, whether we will live our live as a short (cir)cu(i)t to our death.”
Drahoš Šišovič
produced by: sdružení Pre súčasnú operu (Association for Contemporary Opera)

with the support of: Ministry of Culture, Slovak Republic

acknowledgments: Barbora (Babuta) Šedivá for her help with projection

SkRAT performances staged in Prague are supported by MOTUS C.A. - production of ALFREDVEDVOŘE Theatre, the independent theatre studio DE FACTO MIMO, City of Prague, Ministry of culture CR and KD Mlejn,o.p.s.

photo Ctibor Bachratý photo Ctibor Bachratý