Touchland, Hand Dialogues, An Attempt at Dialogue and videodocument
performance length: 45 min
1st year Class projects by Clown Creation for Stage & Film Studio students, under Professor Ctibor Turba; JAMU, Brno.
This is not a performance, but a demonstration of the results of the “Basics of Motion Acting” study programme. FAMU film academy students used to have the funny job of presenting kapesníček or “little handkerchief” studies; we now present “hand studies”. Our triptych consists of these studies, complemented by a “ritual of entry” and the work of film director Petr Skala.
I take responsibility for the resulting work. I meaning: Turba. But I don’t teach alone and so results are influenced also by the work of other teachers: Husa na provázku theatre actor Pavel Zatloukal; Alena Dittrichová – the newest branch on the mime/ creation family tree; film director Jiří Vanýsek; PhDr. Jarmila Turbová, who teaches the psychology of gesture and mime; but most importantly it is the free thought of the students, their varying steps towards a world of art which prefers ethics to the mendacious world of business and entertainment.