A birthday party you would have rather not attended. Who can cope with so many truths, half-truths and lies about himself, about his past and future? Music, singing, absurd and realistic theatrical scenes focusing on everything that quadragenarians, who don’t have clue about having aged a bit, may like or dislike.

“Birthday proved that the quality of acting may naturally spring from the thematic proximity of the given original script and relationship powers that arise during team work. It has also indicated, that authorship may be challenged. To start off, you may try to google the young Irish dramatist.”
Eva Andrejčáková, SME, December 6, 2007

“As a text, SkRAT’s Birthday represents an authentic Slovak version of new European drama, which has appeared across different countries: Mark Ravenhill and Sarah Kane in Great Britain, Vasilij Sigarev in Russia, Biljana Srbljanovič in Serbia, Marius von Mayenburg in Germany to mention at least the best known artists. In Slovakia, we can detect this new tendency in works of Viliam Klimáček, especially in his play Hypermarket…”
Juraj Šebesta, 2007 The Theatre Institute – IS.theatre.sk
stage design and direction: collective authorship

premiered: December 4, 2007, Bratislava

SkRAT performances staged in Prague are supported by MOTUS C.A. - production of ALFREDVEDVOŘE Theatre, the independent theatre studio DE FACTO MIMO, City of Prague, Ministry of culture CR and KD Mlejn,o.p.s.

photo Ctibor Bachratý photo Ctibor Bachratý photo Ctibor Bachratý photo Ctibor Bachratý