Our theatre is open to programming independent, devised projects working outside existing genres, taking an original approach to stage work, and/or defining new directions in performance, including but not limited to physical theatre, contemporary dance, nonverbal, multimedia and/or visual performance. Projects may be realized for Alfred ve dvoře’s large or small stage, or in special cases, elsewhere.
Creators of chosen projects will get limited guaranteed rehearsal time at Alfred ve dvoře, and will receive technical and promotional support during the realization of their works. Motus does not provide financial support for the creation the works, but it will pay creative professionals a fee for every performance. The artists or group finance the realization/preparation of their projects independently. We also offer the artists the chance to consult questions of dramaturgy or production with selected professionals in the field.
This open call is a central part of our theatre’s programming, which endeavors to encourage artistic reflections of the changing world we live in. Society-wide dialogue with an emphasis on experimentation and innovation across various genres remains one of Alfred ve dvoře’s main priorities.
We thus ask artists to submit projects that take into account the kind of productions our theatre has presented in the past. In order to submit your project, please download and fill in this form and take note of the following selection criteria:
• innovative dramaturgy and/or form;
• potential to inspire audiences to appreciation of independent creation and new forms;
• confirmation or high probability of own financing for the project from grants, sponsors, or other sources;
• extensive research/development phase previous to rehearsals
• own producer and light (or if appropriate) sound operator in the team;
• commitment to intensive long-term or multi-phase rehearsal plan (see form) and time availability of the artistic team;
• ability of the team to continue to present performance after its premiere;
Alfred ve dvoře’s artistic director Ewan McLaren will be available for group consultations on two dates: 1 June and 16 June 2017 at 4pm at the Alfred ve dvoře theatre (Fr. Křížka 36, Prague 7-Holešovice).
In 2018, we will have space for 2 to 4 of the submitted projects.
The projects will be chosen by a small group of individuals from various artistic fields.
Announcement of results: early September 2017.
Please send your submissions via email to:,
or by mail to: MOTUS z. s., Ewan McLaren, artistic director, Veverkova 28, 170 00 Praha 7. Please write: OPEN CALL 2018 in the subject line or on the envelope.