
22.04. 2015

5th May at 6:30 pm - Join the protagonists and director of the documentary The Last Peyote Guardians and chat with them in a Mexican evening.

We will begin with the introduction talk of the Mexican anthropologist José Luis Núñez Villagrana "The children of the corn in the dusk of the Fifth Sun", in which he will recapitulate centuries in history to address the emergence of the term "indígena” -incorrect and not accurate term for naming American natives- and will also reflect on generalised stereotypes and preconceptions associated to this term and that are still in use. What is the difference between the archaeological, historical and contemporary indígena? How did these conceptions emerged and are perpetuated? What is the current situation of this cultures?

What place they have in the westernised society and how they are perceived by their compatriots and foreigners?

We will continue the evening with director Hernán Vilchez, who will share his experiences in the production company Kaboprofilms, with which he made several documentaries with native peoples. What moves him? How does he do it? How are these meetings with other cultures? and how can we become part of the projects to support the protection of Wirikuta?

To close the evening, the Marakames José Luis y Enrique Ramírez will share with us their worldview, their relationship with the elements, rituals and healing practices; they will also talk about their relationship with Western thought and how they articulate these experiences while preserving their traditions.

In the intermissions we will offer Mexican mole (typical food that combines chocolate, chilli, nuts and many other ingredients) we will sell Huichol art and merchandising of the film (DVDs, CDs, t- shirts, posters) and for those who did ́t have the opportunity to see the full documentary, we will display it in a loop.


6.30 Lecture by Mexican antropologist José Luis Núñez Villagrana The children of the corn in the dusk of the Fifth Sun

7:00 Lecture by Hernán Vilchez director of documentary The Last Peyote Guardians

7.30 Pausa, food, music, Huichol art, and projection of documentary fragments.

8:00 Lecture by Huicholes chamanes Marakames José Luis y Enrique Ramírez

Tickets available on the spot, (includes Mexican food degustace):
Adults 150
Students 80

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Thanks to: Světlo pro Mexico, Agosto Foundation, Jedefrau Org, Kino Bio Oko and Theater Alfred ve Dvoře.

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